Famous Guests at Hotel Inglaterra
The rooms of the center of the Hotel Inglaterra, private of the loquacity that provides the speech, they received among their walls to a long relation of personalities of that time, many of them linked to the art’s world for its proximity with important theaters of the capital of Cuba. Among them they figure:
1887: Sara Bernhart (Sara-Marie-Henriette Rosine Bernardt), French stage actress and has been referred to as "the most famous actress in the history of the world". Bernhardt made her fame on the stages of Europe in the 1870s, and was soon in demand in Europe and the Americas. She traveled to Cuba to the final of 1887 staying in the noted Hotel Inglaterra.
1887: The bullring placed in Belascoaín between Virtues and Concordia, to a side of the Charity House, became celebrated for the appearance, the season of 1886-1887, of Luis Mazzantini, Spanish famous bullfighter of the XIX century, very popular in its time. During his stay in Cuba, the Spanish skillful one stayed in the Hotel Inglaterra.
1890: The General Major Antonio Maceo Grajales, one of the leader of military forces of the war for the independence of Cuba, lodges for five months in the Hotel Inglaterra, where he made contacts with journalists, people of letters and patriots to prepare the fight that would give to the Island the freedom of the Spanish colonialism. From this hotel the General Maceo encouraged the revolutionary movement, contacting with others Majors like Sanguily and Aguirre, at the same time that he knew that valiant youth that later would form part of the force for liberation.